HOW WE CAN HELP                                                                 VISA CONCEPTS


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                                            Qualify for an E2 Investor Visa

                                                                                      (We can help you get it)


We can help you with a variety of visa applications, we have assisted clients from all over the world and to date have a 100% success record.

We specialize in helping individuals wishing to move to Florida to take up residence here. There are several visa types that allow you to do this, but amongst the most common is the E2 Investor Visa.

This E2 visa involves the purchase of a business here in Florida . Although there are no set investment levels, people typically invest a minimum of $100,000 in buying a company that can provide work for at least two American citizens. The business must also earn more than enough income to additionally support the investor and dependants.  So if you're dream is to live and work in Florida , this is a mechanism by which it can be easily achieved.

The service we offer is, firstly, to assist you in finding the ideal business that meets the visa criteria and one that matches your goals and experience, and secondly to assist you with the processing of the visa application.

We offer you a highly personalized shopping service.  Because of our wide business network, and our relationships with Florida business Brokers, we can target many business types and locations on your behalf, that we feel will qualify for an E2 visa. Then, we email you the likely prospects; and we answer your questions on many issues before you visit Florida - thus saving you valuable time when you do.

One further advantage of using our service in this way is our knowledge and experience of the criteria for E2 investor visas. Therefore if you are a potential E2 visa applicant, we will only recommend consideration of businesses that would meet the visa criteria. It is worth mentioning that frequently with our assistance, clients have obtained E2 visa approval through most embassies, within 6 weeks or less.  

If you would like to live what is considered by many a superior lifestyle, we can help you. We spend a lot of time shopping for specific business types on behalf of our clients. We can do the same for you. We are always available for consultation on these matters and this advice is completely free even if you decide not to use our services.

Your next step? Simply make contact with me and we can open a dialogue of how I can best meet your needs. 

Here’s where to get free advice on how to solve the visa puzzle:

For a preliminary discussion telephone me, Phil Oliver in Florida at 352 589 1884.  Or you can email me right away at



Business Brokers and Sales Associates, we can help your clients also, please email or call me at the above for a free consultation.